Words from Our Patients

This quote makes us smile!


You guys are AWESOME! I love coming to the office. You made my trip today so easy, helping with my kids. I love your patient-centered focus. I cant say thanks enough! – Sherry W.

Family Dentistry of Neosho goes to Belize!

This was our 6th year to go to Belize, with the North Belize Medical Missions. We travel each day to a different village, from our “home base” in Corozal Belize. This year we delivered care as a group, to almost 1100 patients. Medical, nurses, eye, lab, dental and pharmacy all participate.

Dental was very popular this year. We actually saved more teeth than in years past. One day we filled and sealed 53 teeth! Decay is prevalent in this area of Belize. Sugar cane is also the main crop. What strikes me most is how happy everyone was. Some didn’t have much. Some lived in what we would think of as a “fort” we built in the back yard. But they were happy. Perhaps there is a lesson there for us, we can be happy with less.

It reminds us of how truly blessed we are.

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