Invisalign treatment
One of the comments we hear most is . . . .”Doc, I want to do Invisalign, let me figure out the finances.” Great news! You don’t have to figure out the finances on your own! Let us help! At Family Dentistry of Neosho, we are committed to providing everyone with quality dental care, flexible financial plans, and the information and insight needed to make informed decisions on Invisalign treatment!
Northwest Arkansas Invisalign Treatment
Did you know that we service our neighbors in Northwest Arkansas? Dr. Reagan and Dr. Nine want to extend an awesome opportunity to our neighbors in NW Arkansas. Now EVERYONE who wants to learn more about Invisalign can. It’s easy!
Did you know that most people are candidates for Invisalign?
The advancements of Invisalign technology can now fix over 90% of orthodontic issues. Come to Neosho, MO, a short, beautiful drive from NW Arkansas. The care, expertise, and savings will be worth your investment of a few extra minutes. Ask us about the additional benefit of how to accelerate your Invisalign experience.
Have a Big Event coming up?
Do you have a wedding, graduation, career advancement or other big event on the horizon? Now is a great time to get started on YOUR beautiful and confident smile!
Learn More!
As you might guess, I get excited about all the possibilities. Look us up on or give us a call and compare, 417-451-2403. You will be glad you did!